23-24 Attendance and Behavior Plans

RRPS has set a goal to reduce chronic absenteeism by 20% per school site this year. To accomplish this goal, we have published a strategic attendance plan with tips for teachers, parents and students on how to improve attendance district-wide. To review the Attendance Plan, click the link below:

2023-24 Attendance Plan Link

RRPS has also set a goal to reduce the number of discipline referrals for chronic disruption, bullying, disrespect, insubordination, violence and student aggression by 20% this year, decrease the number of hearings for long term suspensions and expulsions by 20% and increase student self regulation. To accomplish this goal, we have put together a behavior plan to help teachers, staff, students and parents better understand the behavioral expectations held by the district. To review the Behavior Plan, click the link below:

2023-24 Behavior Plan  Link